LACHNIT MK owners and players
(alphabetic order):

Thomas Bangalter,

Matthew Bennett,

Michael Busse,

Giulio Carmassi,

Michael Dragovic

Danny Dziuk,

Ensemble Musikfabrik Köln

Paul Haslinger

Bela Koreny

Microsoft (Sound Department)

Markus Nowak,

Joachim Palden

Daft Punk

Paul Urbanek

Thomas Rabitsch

Dinis Schemann

Bernd Schultheis

Fabian Sennholz

Michael Slupinski,

Herbert Tucmandl Vienna Symphonic Library

and many others...

The renowned German concert pianist Mr. Dinis Schemann has chosen our MK23 as a regular customer. He writes us the following lines and has allowed us to publish them under his full name:

"The Lachnit MK23 is a very precise keyboard with fantastic feedback. The finest nuances of touch are possible with it.
Together with Pianoteq Pro and a very good headphone, it forms an excellent way for me to prepare my concerts. And I can produce high-quality recordings with this combination as well.
For me as a pianist, this very good keyboard is worth every penny.
We professionals need such keyboards!"

With warm regards,
Dinis Schemann"

We are honored and proud!

Paul Urbanek and his trio
have delivered an extremely remarkable production here.
Our keyboards were used massively and virtuously.

Paul Urbanek-Keyboards
Robin Gadermayer-Bass
Lukas Böck-Drums

Here's what customers from all over the world have written to us. The excerpts are 100% authentic:

Daan H. Niederlande (MK23 Studio + FLK Lichtpedal + MIDI Hi Res + Pianissimo Pedal Funktion)

"...It love the way the VST piano’s respond to it, (both Pianoteq and the VSL Synchron Piano’s) and it feels much more natural now....I just wanted to thank you for your elaborate replies and patience to my emails and questions. You can be assured that the MK23 will be the proud centre of my studio."

Tim N. USA San Francisco Bay Area: (MK22 owner since 2017)

" the last months I’ve been experimenting more with software and hardware synthesizers, playing them from the MK22. I’ve discovered that the Dynamics and Velocity mapping controls on the MK22 can turn many synthesizers and sample libraries from something dead and mechanical into something with the feel of a real responsive instrument. It’s almost like magic: when I reach the right mapping, it feels completely different, with an instrument-player feedback more like a physical instrument. I’m sure you know what I mean….This transformation still amazes me."

John S. Texas USA

"...In the higher registers, i can hear the hammer moving and "feel" te strike, and the pedalling hardware coupled with their simulation, i can hear strings slowly stop vibrating if i let the sustain off very slow, just like a real piano. Very amazed."

"...The high-rez midi works. And the modelling in PianoTrq is spoton with the real pianos. With your Keyboard, the Steinway D sounds more like a Steinway D...
My old keyboard is sending MIDI in 127 steps, but that D never sounded "full"..."

Phil N. Canada Quebec

"I received the MK23 yesterday and tested it this morning!
Everything works perfectly!
The Lachnit is simply great! Kudos to you!"

Leslie B. Texas USA
(MK22/23 Studio + FLK Lichtpedal. Cut from a post in

"...I am amazed at the performance of the Lachnit keyboard. While it’s feel is obviously not the same as a Steinway grand, when used with the VSL Steinway D, the result is expressionism and nuance control nearly equal to an acoustic D with better regulation than any piano I have ever played. If your goal is to achieve excellence in musical performance with a keyboard and VSTi, I have found nothing that rivals a Lachnit controller with the VSL Steinway D..."

Stephane P. Belgium
(Upgrade from MK22 to MK23 Studio + FLK Lichtpedal)

"..the MK23 arrived in pristine condition, and working correctly. I was worth the upgrade! I now realise such a great action was calling for great cosmetics. It does feel even better,..."

Michael D. USA New York (MK23 Studio + FLK Lichtpedal)

"Just wanted to let you know that the MK23 arrived today and I've set it up and have it running. It's fantastic! It's a huge improvement in touch and realism. I wanted to thank you again for this wonderful product. I love this keyboard."

Edward A. Germany Berlin (MK23 Studio + FLK Lichtpedal)

"I own a Steinway B that's in perfect condition and I prefer the action on this MK23. Together with the Pianoteq instruments I could not be happier with the quality of this setup. Absolutely love it!"

Kirill S. England

"..The keyboard is perfect. You produced a masterpiece! Every bit is perfect, and I can appreciate attention to details and quality. For sure, I will keep it and enjoy it for hours every day!"

James P.  Netherlands Amsterdam:

"The keyboard arrived today. I have been playing for the last hour and wanted to let you know how impressed I am. It's wonderful!

Many thanks..."

Timothy N. USA
San Francisco Bay Area:

"My MK22 Studio has already arrived, in perfect condition!  I LOVE IT!  It is even better than I had hoped for.
I am playing the Pianoteq Model B, and I have never before had this kind of complete control over my playing sound.  Very much like my acoustic grand piano, and far better feel than on many acoustic pianos I have played. I honestly did not know it was possible to get this playing experience and sound from a digital keyboard. THANK YOU!"

USA Seattle Redmond:

"After working with this keyboard for a couple of months now, I can say it is AMAZING. It has changed the way I work, and it will make a big difference to any pianist who really cares about touch. We are all so used to playing crappy midi keyboard action that we don’t even realize the huge difference a really great action can make.

-Matt "

Matt R. UK

the MK22 is beautiful!
it plays wonderfully. I am using it with Pianoteq 5 and find it a very rewarding experience, which is something I thought I would never say about a non-accoustic piano.
thankyou for your work."

USA Seattle Redmond

"...I thought the main limitation to our creative expression was the use of software instruments and samples, but the weak link has actually been touch and input fidelity. To any artist who is serious about touch and tactile, physical connection to their sound, it makes all the difference in the world. Thank you!


Matthew B.

Gidon M. Berlin

"I was very impressed by what you were able to achieve in a keyboard, and I say that having spent the previous month practising on a 2 year old Steinway D!"

Garry B. USA

"I really enjoyed this keyboard! What a miracle of rare device...
...Anyways, I just wanted to say that this truly is the most incredible keyboard I have ever laid hands on."

Riccardo S. South Afrika

"- received it just now, what a beautiful instrument!"

Chris W. UK

"You have every right to be proud of your teams' work. You have achieved the best piano midi controller there is or ever has been. It certainly puts the competition in the shade.

 I and my Father thank you and your team for all your dedication, hard work, professionalism and attention to detail. All this has led to a very fine instrument indeed."

Fabian Sennholz (touring with Tim  Bendzko Band) :

"..really the best masterkeyboard ever!"

Giulio Carmassi (Pat Metheny
Unity Group):

"...your controller is amazing!
Its great touch and response help me being ready every night for the show, and keeps a very realistic feeling on my fingers,..."


Sturla B. Oslo:

The keyboard arrived today. It feels fantastic.


Harald M. aus Montreux:

"...für mich ist es die ausdrucksstärkste Klaviatur auf der ich jemals gespielt habe. Keine Ermüdung, optimale Druckpunkt, hervorragendes Repetierverhalten. Auch die Bearbeitung der Tasten hat sich wirklich gelohnt. Es ist ein sehr angenehmes Gefühl insbesondere bei langsamen Passagen. Die Auflösung der Mididaten ist beeindruckend..


Alexander  M., stolzer Besitzer eines Mk1 Studio  aus Köln:  

"...Nachdem ich mich jetzt ein paar Tage lang mit der Kombination aus Ihrer Flügeltastatur und Pianoteq 4 auseinandergesetzt habe, kann ich wohl behaupten, dass diese Lösung alles in den Schatten stellt was ich bisher an Digitalpianos kennengelernt habe (Yamaha GT, N1,2,3 und Roland V-Piano eingeschlossen)."

Paul Urbanek performing on his MK2:

©P. Urbanek

Press, rewards etc.

US Keyboard

"...Like Citroëns and Bellota ham, it’s one of those European revelations that makes Americans ask, “Why can’t we have nice things?” In this case, we can..."

Whole article in US Keyboard 08.2016

FLKeys nominated for the special Price

for best innovation.  6 nominees out of 524

Staatspreis (Austrian national award)

New remarkable albums

Wolfgang Puschnig-Alto/Flute
Paul Urbanek-Piano/Keyboards
Raphael Preuschl-E-Bass/5-string Bass Ukulele
Lukas König-Drums
Patricia Moreno-Vocals
Paul Urbanek-Piano/Keyboards
Robin Gadermayer-Bass
Lukas Böck-Drums

Simone Kopmajer
Paul Urbanek
Reinhardt Winkler

All synth- E pianos- and programmed sounds are recorded with a Lachnit MK.
Remarkable not just because of that ;-)

FLKeys winner of

© wkw/FlorianWieser

The MK22 Studio KEYS Award:"Best Of Products" .


Fabian Sennholz, Palladium; Köln. Foto: Klaus Sahm

NAMM 2014

MK22 97 Imperial VSL special Edition ( Morris Hayes)

Lachnit NAMM 2014


Giulio Carmassi's MK2 in MSR Studios NY during recordings for Pat Metheny Unity Group.

The LACHNIT MK in a special 97 key edition for the VSL at Winter NAMM 2013