Eslarngasse 15/73
Austria - 1030 VIENNA

my name is
Friedrich Lachnit.


My company FLKeys is an independent Viennese sole proprietorship. We are not a subsidiary, branch or other sub-company of a global network of companies operating in the background. Not a stock corporation with shareholders and supervisory board or similar. We are free and not beholden to anyone except our demanding customers.
Our most important partner is Dewesoft KCW Vienna GmbH (formerly TVE). Without their help LACHNIT Keyboards would not exist.

MK23 Team
MK23 Team Wolfgang Pretl, Harald Urschler, Friedrich Lachnit, David Demmer.

Dewesoft KCW is a small, high-end company for electronic developments of all kinds. Their specialty in measurement and control technology was later expanded to include hardware and software development for piano electronics through our collaboration with Bösendorfer. In addition to the development department, there is also a production facility for small and medium quantities of electronic components and devices for measurement and control technology.

To my person:

SE Fazil Say "Sacre..." Montpelier Spring 2001
Foto: © Theodor Barth

I worked at Bösendorfer for 15 years as a concert technician and later for another 10 years as head of the piano electronics department. During this time I was also in charge of the CEUS project and the development of a master keyboard prototype. In between and during this time, I studied sound engineering, created reports for the Austrian radio, wrote two novel manuscripts and several short stories (and played bass in 5 rock bands and a jazz band) In the course of these activities I was able to acquire extensive specialized knowledge: Thanks also to Bösendorfer for this!

During my Bö-Time I worked in the following areas:

1979 piano-making apprenticeship Bö- Vienna. Tuning, voicing etc...

Concert technician worldwide

Quality control grand piano - hammer heads aswell as redesign of them.

Service, maintenance, repair, recording, editing, live concert management with the Bösendorfer SE Computer grand piano.

Installation of Player Systems, Silent Systems, miscellaneous piano electronics

Research, development, certification of the Bösendorfer CEUS selfplaying system.

Research and development of the Bösendorfer masterkeyboard prototype

Essential knowledge of measuring and control technology and electronics.

Scientific collection of data concerning time response and dynamics of grand piano mechanics as well as artistic interaction and their effects on the sound design.

All that isn't just useful to develop the world's best self-playing system it also enabled me to create a really fine keyboard.

A frequently asked question:
Where did the idea come from to develope a masterkeyboard in Austria???

At my Bösendorfer time years ago Peter Wolf visited Bösendorfer/Vienna.
I proudly presented him the first CEUS.

He put his notebook on the grand piano, looked for the midi socket, found it, and started to play.

Midi values of finest quality were instantly displayed on his notebook. He played them back and was thrilled.
Whilest congratulating us, he looked wishfull at the 3m long grand piano and asked:

"When will you build a decent masterkeyboard in this quality? We're all waiting for one."

Pointing at the CEUS Imperial he added:

"This is great, but I cannot turn the volume down nor can I take it with me...."

In 2011 I started my own business with FLKeys.



Most important supplier of FLKeys is Dewesoft KCW GmbH (former TVE) in Vienna
Dewesoft KCW Vienna is a small but excellent company for electronic development.
Without their help the MK23 Keyboard wouldn't exist.

Many thanks to:



Die Mädeln

EMaF (The Band!)

and many more...

I wouldn't have made it without you !

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FL Keys e. U. Eslarngasse 15/73
A - 1030 WIEN

VAT Reg. No: ATU66207918

Company name: FL Keys e.U. (FN 355774y)

Company register No: 355774y

Register office: Comercial court Vienna

Registered at (ECG): Vienna, Magistratisches Bezirksamt des III. Bezirkes

DSVGO Datenschutz (in German)

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*Bösendorfer is a trademark of his respective owner and is not affiliated or associated with FLKeys. This trademark is mentioned here as a reference to a sound only.